Friday, March 18, 2011 garden

hehee..sbnarnye da lama mama nie nk introduce mini garden yg tak seberapa kt depn umah nie..mama suka tanam2 pokok..especially sayur2 ker..bunga2 (feveret ialah orked+kaktus)..cuma tade masa nk jaga..siram hari2 etc..some more dpn umah yg agak panas and terhad ruangnye..jadi agak terbantut hobi nie nk dilaksanakan..wlau apapun..mama da start sikit2..tanam dlm pasu and in future..berharap dpt la besarkan lg mini garden nie..nk tanam mcm2..eii..gerammm! gamba2 kt bwh permulaan pokok2 yg bru mama beli. herbs like daun kunyit, pokok kari dgn daun kesom adalah sumbgn ayah mama & mak mertua..terima kasih byk2..nmpaknyee merasa jugak ble nk msk petik2 jer kt depan umah jer....

Sunday, March 6, 2011

2nd bundle of joy's checklist

Mama nie da siap2 packing for my 2nd delivery..mama da siap awal2 takut jd mcm time haziq dulu..sian kt papa kena angkut semua brg yg ade sbb mama tak siap pack lagi..

then my approach is to do checklist..i loves checklist..kerja2 kt office, beli brg rumah, ape nk wat etc..sume mesti de checklist..make our plan easily manage..takde la serabut nk pk..maklumla..mak buyung nie..short circuit sikit..cept betul lupa..pastu suka nk serabut ayam..haha! mintk maaf yer..Xoxo..

so nie dia my checklist:-

for baby :

  • clothings - checked
  • mitten & booties - checked
  • breast milk storage bottles - checked
  • bathing - checked
  • newborn diapers - checked
  • baby oil, yu yee oil, powder etc - checked
  • baby changing set - checked

for mommy :
  • nursing bra & pad - checked
  • set bersalin (nona roguy) - tba
  • maternity pad - checked
 untuk dibawa balik ke kampung

ini dia some preparation utk BF - Brestpump from AVENT yg memg sedia ada since haziq lagi..mama cuma beli BM storage dari mom's little one. Agak murah harganya, BPA free lagi. 

packing for delivery :
  • mummy clothing (comfy wear & homecoming outfit) - checked
  • nursing bra - checked
  • baby clothing - checked
  • kain batik checked
  • slipper - tba
  • newborn diapers - checked
  • toilettries (shampoo, toothbrush etc) - checked
  • termos - checked
  • milo/horlicks 3in1 sachet - checked
  • socks - checked
  • camera, hp - tba
  • xtra pillows - tba

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Selamat pagi..yaa..arini mama MC laks..nape??

Semalam went to Perdana Speacialist Tmn U mcm bese..then i citer la i'm having lower abdomen pain dlm 2 mggu da..some more i also having minor constraction..aser perut mengeras almost everyday..doc explain xbole take ringan sbb de history 1st child dlu..

Ble check2..suspect Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) ade sikit info mama nk share :-

What is a urinary tract infection?

When you hear the phrase "urinary tract infection" or its acronym, UTI, you're likely to think of a bladder infection and its accompanying symptoms ­– such as a frequent urge to urinate and a burning sensation when you do. This condition, also called cystitis, is fairly common among sexually active women between 20 and 50. But it's not the whole UTI story.
In fact, you can have a UTI in any part of your urinary tract, which starts at the kidneys, where urine is made; continues through tubes called ureters down to the bladder, where urine accumulates until you pee; and ends with the urethra, a short tube that carries the urine outside your body.
UTIs are generally caused by bacteria from your skin, vagina, or rectum that enter your urethra and travel upstream. Often, the bacteria stop in your bladder and multiply there, causing inflammation and triggering those familiar symptoms.
But bacteria may also travel from your bladder, up through the ureters, to infect one or both kidneys. A kidney infection (also called pyelonephritis) is the most common serious medical complication of pregnancy. The infection can spread to your bloodstream and become life-threatening for you.
A kidney infection may also have serious consequences for your baby. It increases your risk of preterm labor and having a low-birth-weight baby, and it has been linked to an increased risk of fetal or newborn mortality.
It's also possible to have bacteria in your urinary tract and have no symptoms. This is known as "asymptomatic bacteriuria." When you're not pregnant, this condition generally doesn't cause problems and often clears on its own.
During pregnancy, however, asymptomatic bacteriuria that's left untreated significantly increases your risk of getting a kidney infection and is associated with preterm labor and low birth weight. This is one reason your urine is routinely tested during pregnancy.

 Many pregnant women experience bladder infections. A bladder infection is caused by the uterus sitting on top of the urethra and blocking the flow of urine. Symptoms of a bladder infection include frequent urination, a burning sensation, abdominal pain and cloudy urine.

What are the symptoms of a bladder infection?

Symptoms of a bladder infection (cystitis) vary from woman to woman. Common symptoms include:
  • Pain, discomfort, or burning when urinating and possibly during sexual intercourse
  • Pelvic discomfort or lower abdominal pain (often just above the pubic bone)
  • A frequent or uncontrollable urge to pee, even when there's very little urine in the bladder
You may also find that your urine is foul smelling or looks cloudy. You may see blood in it as well. You might run a low-grade fever, but more often than not, your temperature will remain normal.
Since the frequent urge to pee is common during pregnancy, it may be hard to know for sure whether you have cystitis, especially if your symptoms are mild. If you think you might have an infection, be sure to call your healthcare provider so your urine can be tested.

What can I do to avoid getting a UTI?
Take these steps to minimize your chances of getting a urinary tract infection:
  • Drink plenty of water, at least eight 8-ounce glasses a day.
  • Don't ignore the urge to pee. And try to empty your bladder completely when you urinate.
  • After a bowel movement, wipe yourself from front to back to prevent bacteria in the stool from getting near the urethra.
  • Keep your genital area clean with mild soap and water.
  • Clean your genital area and pee before and after sexual intercourse.
  • Drink cranberry juice. Studies show that cranberry juice – and its relative, lingonberry juice – can reduce bacteria levels and discourage new bacteria from taking hold in the urinary tract. (Drinking cranberry juice won't cure an existing infection, though, so if you're having symptoms, you still need to see your practitioner right away to get a prescription for antibiotics.)
  • Avoid feminine hygiene products (sprays or powders) and strong soaps that can irritate your urethra and genitals, making them a better breeding ground for bacteria. And don't use douches during pregnancy.

Signs & Symptoms of Urine Infection in Pregnancy

So semalam doc bagi suntikan untuk mematangkan peparu baby..Sakitnya hanya Allah yg tahu..sakit saluruhnya dari punggung sampai ke kaki..hati ini dupdap dupdap..risau..akan bersalin awal lagikah aku nie?kenapa perlu suntikan ini?aper perlu aku buat utk hold sampi bulan 5 ini?macam2..

Doc ade bekalkan antibiotik tuk UTI nie, toxolytics tuk relax rahim, ubat meng'alkaline'kan urine & viamin2 lain..

Balik ke rumah tanpa buang masa google artikel pasal menda nie..slow2 i da mula faham..sbb i da de sikit constraction..means bole jadi ade progress if tak prevent dari awal akan membawa kepada preterm labour (kelahiran pramatang)..Nauzubillah. Means doc bg booster tuk mematangkan peparu bb utk persediaan in case terpaksa bersalin awal..but..if bole hold sampai due..nothing to worry..InsyaAllah. 

Arini..mama kena ambil 2nd suntikan and dpt mc utk berehat..susah jugk ble kita sihat but then kena rehat2..aduss..buring tahap maksima..golek2 atas katil..tgok the same time risau hal2 di opis yg tgh di audit nie..

Ya Allah..semoga Engkau permudahkan segala urusan ku. Amin..


Saturday, March 5, 2011

hadiah dari papa & mama.

Arini penat seperti mggu2 yg suda..pg2 da kena gerak to office (i hope no more after dis.Amin)...
Plan yg tertangguh 2 bulan akhirnya termakbul jua..Alhamdulillah. Hadiah harijadi haziq yg ke 2 tahun..
Mr hubby belikan tadaaa.....

ni dia gaya seorg jagoan basikal..aik..abaikan haziq yg duduk kt carier..haha!. 
He's trying to do somethin actually since mana la pernah dia naik basikal before..

another picture of haziq with hadiah harijadi nya
suka sangattt~

Semoga haziq menjadi seorg anak yang soleh..mudah dididik..Berjaya d dunia & akhirat..Amin..